Montefeltro is a territory of rare natural beauty and riches of culture, land of the Region Marche, between the borders of Tuscany and Umbria, Romagna and Republic of San Marino. It’s the crossroad of ancient roads in a changeble land, with multiple natural and landscape aspects where every pass and direction changeing show how the landscape changes: from the rugged mountains of Sasso Simone e Simoncello, from Carpegna, Catria, Nerone and Alpe edlla Luna, to the sweet hills streched out to the sea.

Everywhere the signs and works of man:
Urbino, intact renaissance masterwork and ideal capital of the territory, attracts as much interest as little villages, fortresses, monasteries and abbeys located here and there and beholder of the ancient splendour and lives lived when the man and the land were an armonic and an unbreakable link.
Today the visitor can see fields worked, intact forests and landscapes, dotted with well mantained villages and little towns. The land of Montefeltro changes under your eyes.
It changes you.

Opening the windows of an ancint palace or in a country house, the hill and the rugged border of Appennino appear. Sometimes in Montefeltro there is sea smell. Sometimes it’s possible to see the sea.

When you look at it, you get charmed.


Cultural Visits:



San Leo

San Marino

Sant’Angelo in Vado




Naturalistic Places:

Sasso Simone & Simoncello Park

San Bartolo Park

Gorges of Furlo

Giant’s big Pot

Carpegna Mountain

Mutino Valley

Balconies by Piero della Francesca


Museums not far from Borgo Cisterna:

– Museum of ancient radio in Macerata Feltria (second public museum in Italy)

– Archaeological Museum of Macerata Feltria (the ancient Pitinum Pisaurense).

Other Museums:

– National Picture Gallery of Urbino, Palazzo Ducale

– Museum of arts and crafts, Urbania

– Ceramics Museum, Urbania

– Domus del Mito, Santangelo in Vado

– Museo archeologico di Macerata Feltria (l’antica Pitinum Pisaurense).

Altri Musei:

– Pinacoteca Nazionale di Urbino, Palazzo Ducale

– Museo delle arti e mestieri, Urbania

– Museo della Ceramica, Urbania

– Domus del Mito, Santangelo in Vado


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